Symfony version manager

Version display. What for ?

From a long-term usage point of view, display application version is critical for marking purposes. Your users can refer to this number when contacting support, and you can also use this number to quickly ensure propoer deploy happened (among other tools provided by your CI/CD stack of course).

How to handle it ?

Despite having the point in mind for a long, I never gave a go to a simple search around this topic. Doing so I found Shivas versionning bundle. It just does everything I wanted :

  • Twig extension for version number management.
  • Several versions providers (from VERSION file to Git tag handling) tailored for common uses.
  • SemVer based.
  • Default formatters to let you go out-of-the-box

As for all well-developed bundles, you can register your own providers & formatters as services.

Cheers to its author for this work to the community.

Tags: symfony, version